Hungarian Spitz Association CLUB SHOW 2024 - November 16, 2024for Spitz, Shiba, American Akitas
Fecha: 2024.11.16
Lugar: Bugyi, Forster Vadászkastély Rádai utca 14.
Organizado por: Magyar Spitz Egyesület
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Precios de inscripción
1. Fecha limite de registro
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25 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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1. perro
25 EUR
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25 EUR
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25 EUR
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25 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
1. Fecha limite de registro
1. perro
40 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
2. Fecha limite de registro
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45 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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1. perro
40 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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45 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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45 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
2. Fecha limite de registro
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45 EUR
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40 EUR
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40 EUR
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1. perro
40 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
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35 EUR
2. Fecha limite de registro
1. perro
45 EUR
2. perro
40 EUR
3. perro
40 EUR
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40 EUR
1. Fecha limite de registro
1. perro
25 EUR
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25 EUR
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25 EUR
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25 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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30 EUR
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Precio de reclasificación: 10 EUR
Tarifa de reemplazo de perro: 10 EUR
Razas para inscribir
Razas reconocidas por la FCI
FCI Nr. | Nombre de la raza | Nombre de la raza [FCI] |
14 | Vastgötaspets (Swedish Vallhund) | Swedish Vallhund |
49 | Suomenpystykorva (Finnish Spitz) | Finnish Spitz |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou |
97 | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Gross - White (Giant German Spitz White) | Giant German Spitz White |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) | Wolfspitz (Keeshond) |
195 | Volpino Italiano (Italian Volpino) | Italian Volpino |
257 | Shiba | Shiba |
261 | Hokkaido | Hokkaido |
262 | Nihon Supittsu (Japanese Spitz) | Japanese Spitz |
276 | Norrbottenspets (Norrbottenspitz) | Norrbottenspitz |
289 | Íslenskur Fjárhundur (Icelandic Sheepdog) | Icelandic Sheepdog |
291 | Eurasier (Eurasian) | Eurasian |
319 | Shikoku | Shikoku |
344 | American Akita | American Akita |
358 | Thai Bangkaew Dog | Thai Bangkaew Dog |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) | Giant German Spitz Black/Brown |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Black or Brown (Medium German Spitz Black or Brown) | Medium German Spitz Black/Brown |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) | Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) | Miniature German Spitz White |
97 | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) | Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown |
Estadísticas de la exposición
Grupo | Nombre de la raza | Nombre de la raza [FCI] | Clase | Sexe | Número de entradas |
V. | American Akita | American Akita | Junior | Macho | 2 |
V. | American Akita | American Akita | Junior | Hembra | 2 |
V. | American Akita | American Akita | Intermediate | Macho | 1 |
V. | American Akita | American Akita | Intermediate | Hembra | 1 |
V. | American Akita | American Akita | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White | Intermediate | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White | Intermediate | Hembra | 2 |
V. | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White | Open | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White | Champion | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutsche Spitz, Mittel-White (Medium German Spitz White) | Medium German Spitz White | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) | Giant German Spitz Black/Brown | Puppy | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Gross - Brown or Black (Giant German Spitz Brown or Black) | Giant German Spitz Black/Brown | Open | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Gross - White (Giant German Spitz White) | Giant German Spitz White | Junior | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) | Wolfspitz (Keeshond) | Open | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) | Wolfspitz (Keeshond) | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) | Wolfspitz (Keeshond) | Champion | Hembra | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Keeshond (German Spitz, Wolfspitz) | Wolfspitz (Keeshond) | Veteran | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) | Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown | Puppy | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) | Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown | Open | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) | Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Black or Brown (Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown) | Miniature German Spitz Black/Brown | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Minor puppy | Hembra | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Puppy | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Puppy | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Junior | Macho | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Junior | Hembra | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Intermediate | Hembra | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Intermediate | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Open | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Open | Macho | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Champion | Hembra | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Champion | Macho | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Veteran | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein - Orange, other color (Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colours) | Miniature German Spitz Orange, grey shaded and other colou | Veteran | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) | Miniature German Spitz White | Open | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) | Miniature German Spitz White | Veteran | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Klein-White (Miniature German Spitz White) | Miniature German Spitz White | Veteran | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) | Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours | Junior | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Mittel - Orange,grey,other color (Medium Size German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours) | Medium German Spitz Orange, grey shaded or other colours | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Minor puppy | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Minor puppy | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Puppy | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Puppy | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Junior | Macho | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Junior | Hembra | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Intermediate | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Intermediate | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Open | Macho | 2 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Open | Hembra | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Champion | Macho | 3 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Deutscher Spitz, Zwerg (Pomeranian) | Pomeranian | Veteran | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Eurasier (Eurasian) | Eurasian | Open | Macho | 1 |
V. | Eurasier (Eurasian) | Eurasian | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Eurasier (Eurasian) | Eurasian | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Hokkaido | Hokkaido | Junior | Macho | 1 |
V. | Hokkaido | Hokkaido | Intermediate | Macho | 1 |
V. | Íslenskur Fjárhundur (Icelandic Sheepdog) | Icelandic Sheepdog | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Minor puppy | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Puppy | Macho | 1 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Junior | Macho | 1 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Junior | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Intermediate | Macho | 2 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Open | Macho | 2 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Open | Hembra | 3 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Champion | Macho | 2 |
V. | Shiba | Shiba | Champion | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Shikoku | Shikoku | Junior | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Shikoku | Shikoku | Champion | Macho | 1 |
V. | Vastgötaspets (Swedish Vallhund) | Swedish Vallhund | Junior | Hembra | 1 |
V. | Vastgötaspets (Swedish Vallhund) | Swedish Vallhund | Open | Macho | 1 |
